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LG chairs review meeting on security situation DCs, SSPs of Kashmir | KNO

Takes stock of preparations for SANJY, Yoga Diwas, Eid celebrations



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Srinagar, Jun 15 (KNO): Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Saturday chaired a high-level meeting on the security situation and also reviewed the progress of various development projects of Kashmir Division. The meeting was attended by Atal Dulloo, Chief Secretary; Chandraker Bharti, Principal Secretary Home Department; Vijay Kumar, ADGP Law & Order; Nitish Kumar, ADGP CID; Vidhi Kumar Birdi, IGP Kashmir; Dr Mandeep Kumar Bhandari, Principal Secretary to Lt Governor; Vijay Bidhuri, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, DIGs, Deputy Commissioners, SSPs and other senior officials. The Lt Governor directed the Civil and Police administration to work in close coordination with the security agencies to neutralise the terror ecosystem. He said those who are aiding and abetting terrorists and their ecosystem should not be spared. During the meeting, the Lt Governor sought the action taken report from the DCs and SSPs to curb the menace of drug abuse in their respective districts. The meeting also discussed the preparations made by the districts and police administration ahead of the Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra, Yoga Diwas and Eid-ul-Adha celebrations. The meeting discussed important matters related to yatra including security and traffic management, upgradation of roads; earmarking of areas for tents, langar services; RFID Cards and 100% implementation of pre-paid services of ponies and pithoos. The Lt Governor also reviewed the progress of various development projects, delivery of public services and implementation of Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) and other government-run schemes and programmes. The Lt Governor also congratulated the DCs and SSPs for the successful and peaceful conduct of Parliamentary elections and Mata Kheer Bhawani Mela—(KNO)


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